Sero Kaiju

Graphics and Games Designer

Hey there,Welcome to my little corner of creativity on the web! I'm just a freelance artist, passionate about diving into the world of 3D design and texturing. You know, those textures that make your virtual world feel real? Yeah, that's my jam.Every project I tackle is like a new adventure. Sometimes I'm following detailed plans to bring someone's dream to life, and other times, I'm just letting my imagination run wild, adding my own special touch to the mix.But for me, it's not just about the final product—it's about the journey. It's about the excitement of trying out new techniques, the thrill of seeing something come to life on the screen, and the joy of sharing that passion with others.So, through this blog, I'm inviting you to join me on this creative journey. Let's chat about all things art, swap stories, and maybe even learn a thing or two together.Sound good? Great! Pull up a virtual chair, and let's dive into this adventure together (:

~~ Gallery ~~

(•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑ ~~ drink water ~~ (◍>◡<◍)⋈。✧♡